Casting wider net for varsity students: Ong Ye Kung

Acting Education Minister (Higher Education and Skills) Mr Ong Ye Kung was interviewed for the ST-SMU Future of Education series. In the first of a four-part series, he discussed the changing nature of higher education, jobs and the economy, where he highlighted the importance of harnessing the aspirations of Singaporeans. Mr Ong noted that aptitude-based admission is worth the effort and time because it works, pointing to a study by his ministry comparing polytechnic students admitted because of their aptitude and those who got in because of grades. The first group performed much better - with more than double the number graduating with a Grade Point Average of 3.5 and above - when compared to other students. What is more, the study found that they were more likely to go on to pursue a career in their field of study or a related one. Mr Ong also shared his views on the topic of SkillsFuture and the role it will play in nation- and people-building - including encouraging a high command of skills and developing a meritocratic system that is inclusive and celebrates a diversity of talents.