Starting young, starting early: 3 stories of smart investing - Finance undergrad has yet to post a loss

SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business undergraduate Ernest Ong was featured in a Straits Times article on young investors where he shared his investment plans, investing strategy, and how he manages his portfolio. Since he started investing in Singapore stocks last year, Ernest has not recorded a loss yet. In fact, the return on his portfolio is a hefty 18 per cent. Its size is below $20,000. He considers a four-day position in Bumitama Agri his best investment. He bought the stock in mid-March after learning that the El Nino phenomenon would drive palm oil prices up this year. Within four days, the counter surged from about 81.5 cents to close to 95 cents. His returns were about $675 - about 13 per cent. In addition to being involved in the EYE Investment Club at SMU, Ernest was the leader of a team that placed first in the NUS-SGX Stock Pitch Challenge held in March.