Lesson in empathy for SMU students

SMU School of Social Sciences Assistant Professor of Asian Studies Hoon Chang Yau and SMU Office of Global Learning Assistant Director (Diversity and Inclusion) Mr Ho Jack Yong started the Managing Diversity in Asia course last year, to help students learn greater cultural sensitivity when it comes to differences between people across the globe. Managing Diversity in Asia has grown in popularity, with 20 students on the waiting list. It is on the list of SMU-X courses, which teach through real-world projects instead of seminars and lectures. This year, the lecturers added the disability simulation to the course, aimed at instilling empathy in students for those who have to deal with disabilities for real. Our objective is for them to appreciate and be aware of the diversity in their surroundings so they will be able to appreciate those differences as assets rather than liabilities," said Assistant Prof Hoon.

The Sunday Times