Sum Yee Loong, Singapore Management University, Interview

SMU Professor of Accounting Sum Yee Loong, who started teaching full-time at SMU in 2011 after a 27-year career at Deloitte, was featured in an interview on taxation in Singapore. He has recently assisted in negotiating with the Tax Academy of Singapore (TA) to set up a centre of excellence in taxation. Prof Sum is currently heading the SMU-TA Centre for Excellence in Taxation, which was launched last year and aims to produce “rigorous and well-researched papers and articles on tax developments in Asia Pacific”. On the increasing appeal of the tax advisory profession in Singapore, Prof Sum said that while initially it “mainly attracted female graduates because the working hours are quite steady and predictable”, more men are now looking at tax as a viable career. He added: “Now in SMU I have a lot of male graduates who opt to specialise in tax.” This article was first published in the February 2015 Singapore edition of Accounting and Business magazine.
