If SMU School of Law Deputy Dean, Professor of Law and intellectual property (IP) expert David Llewelyn has one message for businesses, it is this: intellectual property should be taken out of the lawyer’s office and into the board room. He highlighted that he was “pleased to be at SMU” as within “a five-minute walk, we’ve got the business school, the School of Information Systems, and the School of Accountancy” with whom “we have generated an increasing amount of cross-disciplinary discourse in the IP field”. At SMU, law students are taught to consider IP rights not just from a law perspective. In a popular elective – International Commercialisation of IP – students learn about IP rights holistically, looking at their protection, commercialisation and enforcement in the context of their role as business assets. An IP Law component is also incorporated into the curriculum of SMU’s Master of Science in Innovation programme.
The Business Times
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