Based on the latest quarterly survey for the Singapore Index of Inflation Expectations (SInDEx) announced by SMU on Monday, the one-year-ahead inflation expectations of Singapore households for all items rose to 3.73 per cent in September from 3.66 per cent in June. The rise in expectations was mainly due to domestic pass-through price pressures, such as rental and tight labour conditions, said SMU. The five-year-ahead overall inflation expectations in September remained at 4.72 per cent – unchanged since December last year – while the core inflation rate inched down to 4.45 per cent in September from 4.5 per cent in June. “Recent moderation in accommodation prices and private car prices in Singapore, together with subdued global and regional economic conditions, seem to have brought down the current CPI-All inflation rates to very low levels,” said SMU Assistant Professor of Finance and Programme Director of the Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics, Aurobindo Ghosh.
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