Fun might not be a word most of us would associate with the field of accounting. Yet about 170 students from various junior colleges and polytechnics in Singapore experienced that while getting a unique glimpse into Singapore Management University and the accounting education that the university has to offer in both the academic aspect as well as student life.
Launched in the first week of June, SMU’s Accounting Immersion Programme 2014 is the first of its kind in Singapore which aims to give students a deeper understanding of an accounting education and degree, and how it can help them in their future career paths. The event is organised by the SMU’s School of Accountancy (SoA) with help from the SoA Volunteer Corps, the school’s student body.
“Finding the right balance between the technical aspect of accounting and the fun element which a camp should have was indeed a big challenge for us when we were coming up with ideas for the games,” said second-year undergraduate Yap Hsien Liang.
During the two-day , one-night camp, the pre-tertiary students from a total of 20 junior colleges and polytechnics picked up basic accounting knowledge and financial literacy techniques to guide them through fun-filled interactive games and informative activities.
Yap, the chairman of the organising committee added, “I am proud to say that the camp is quite a success going by the students’ high level of enthusiasm, and the amount of fun they had!”
Dean of School of Accountancy, Professor Pang Yang Hoong said “We seek to engage the students through fun but educational activities and active interactions with professionals from industry and the accounting profession. Together with our corporate partners, Barclays and PwC, we aim to provide students in the junior colleges and Polytechnics with an appreciation of the many exciting career options open to accountancy graduates,”
Apart from industry practitioners from the private accounting and financial sector, the students had an opportunity to hear first-hand from former Auditor-General of Singapore, Lim Soo Ping who is Professor of Accounting (Practice) at SMU. Professor Lim shared interesting and humorous anecdotes from his rich experience in the public sector.
Accounting undergrad Ko Hock Seng who is also part of the organising committee quipped, “I think such a camp is very meaningful because these students are getting to know more about accounting not only from experienced professionals but also from a student’s point of view, and there is really no other platform for them to find out more about an accounting degree at this level.”