The Building and Construction Authority (BCA) has been urging the construction industry to boost productivity by cutting reliance on cheap foreign workers and reducing costs with the help of new technologies and processes. However, while the building and construction industry is undergoing major transformations, it has to figure out how to attract new talent. According to the 2013 Graduate Employment Survey jointly conducted by the three local universities, fresh graduates from the SMU’s law school command an average starting pay of $5,082, putting them at the top of the heap. By contrast, civil engineering graduates from the NTU and NUS – presumably where the construction industry draws the bulk of its new professional and managerial recruits from – command an average of $3,270 and $3,101 respectively, placing these two groups of graduates at 42nd and 60th positions among their peers. BCA agrees that drawing new top talent is increasingly difficult. However, it stresses that there is more to the construction industry than just engineering knowledge, and that the sector should appeal to graduates with interest in environmental sustainability efforts.
The Edge
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