SMU celebrates graduation of its 10th and largest cohort

Over 2,100 students graduate from 26 programmes
By the SMU Corporate Communications team

"Today, you embark on an exciting new journey to build the future of your dreams,” said the Guest of Honour, Minister for Education Mr Heng Swee Keat, at SMU’s Commencement 2013 .

He was addressing graduands, their families, members of SMU’s Board of Trustees, SMU Deans, faculty members and many distinguished guests at the first of two massive Opening Ceremonies at Resorts World Convention Centre held on 25 July 2013. The celebrations marked the conferral of 2,122 bachelor and postgraduate degrees on SMU’s 10th and largest cohort since its inception in 2000.

In his opening remarks, Chairman of SMU’s Board of Trustees Mr Ho Kwon Ping observed that this was the first SMU Commencement at which two distinguished personalities were conferred honorary degrees. SMU awarded an Honorary Doctor of Law (LLD) degree upon Dr Chan Sek Keong in recognition of his remarkable contributions to the development of the legal sector in Singapore, as Attorney-General and subsequently as Chief Justice. Dr John Seely Brown also received an Honorary Doctor of Information Systems degree in recognition of his outstanding record as a scientist, scholar and innovator in the area of information and communications technology.

SMU Chairman then introduced the Guest of Honour as “a truly deep friend of SMU” who, he said, had been instrumental in his first meeting with President Tony Tan Keng Yam (then Deputy Prime Minister) to discuss the concept for what later became SMU.

In his Keynote Speech, Mr Heng told the graduands that “At SMU, you have learnt that you should dare to take chances, as an entrepreneur, as a leader, as an individual”. He linked this to SMU’s outstanding student employment record. Above all, Mr Heng praised SMU for developing “responsible citizens with a passion to serve their community” before recalling some of the community projects initiated by SMU students whom he had encountered.

SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer beamed as he declared, “I am especially pleased that many of you have come up to me and remarked that SMU has helped to create a different “you” – one who is more confident and articulate, with a strong sense of ethics and social responsibility. You have had a journey through SMU filled with many valuable opportunities including the chance to discover the world, to study and form friendships with your peers overseas through global exposure, which is an integral part of SMU education.”

Prof De Meyer then presented the CIRCLE Awards to the eight graduates distinguished by their all-round excellence in Student Life, Student Leadership, Community Service and Academic Studies. They have been actively involved in serving and giving back to SMU and the community at large. In addition, they have demonstrated leadership abilities, are upright in character, and well-respected by peers, staff, and faculty.

This year, Devathas Satianathan from the School of Law and Lim Wei from the School of Economics were selected to represent the graduating cohort as the Valedictorian and Salutatorian respectively. They stood out with their outstanding leadership skills, significant contributions to co-curricular activities and the community-at-large, good character records, and excellent oratorical skills

A finale of student performances began with a rousing Latin dance display before a medley of the songs “Because I Knew You”, “Don’t Stop Believing” and “We Are Young” with a hip-hop dance routine, before a deluge of balloons fell from the ceiling to swathe cheering graduates and their proud parents in a beautiful sea of white, blue and gold.

[Featured photo:] After the conferral of the Honorary Doctorates, (L—R) Professor Steven Miller, Vice Provost (Research) and Dean, School of Information Systems, SMU; Professor Arnoud De Meyer, SMU President; Mr Heng Swee Keat, Singapore’s Minister for Education; Dr John Seely Brown, recipient of SMU Honorary Doctor of Information Systems degree; Dr Chan Sek Keong, recipient of SMU Honorary Doctor of Laws degree; Professor Yeo Tiong Min, Dean, SMU School of Law.

Minister Heng Swee Keat and Mr Ho Kwon Ping share a light-hearted moment.

Graduates revel in a sea of balloons at the end of the Opening Ceremony.

A graduate holding mementos of Commencement 2013 for her family members to take photos.

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