SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources Thomas Menkhoff wrote a commentary on how more needs to be done to improve Indonesia's current forest fire management system. While working as a consultant for the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in Indonesia about 20 years ago to analyse some of the root causes of the re-occurring forest fires and associated haze problem, he said the fire-induced haze issue is indeed a very complex phenomenon which requires scientific analysis and a multi-faceted solution. Based on his experience, Prof Menkhoff believed that knowledge acquisition, capacity building and manpower development with special reference to fire science, forest fire management and fire prevent are critical intervention approaches if one wants to establish a truly sustainable forest fire management system in Asia. On why the fire risks are still so high in Indonesia, Prof Menkhoff felt that insufficient knowledge about forecasting climatical fluctuations, and an increasing number of people in burning the forests including the migrants, were to be blamed. To solve the problem, he suggested improving Asia's forest fire management infrastructure in the form of building more facilities such as water tanks and mobile fire control teams, and conduct public education about the situation.
The Business Times
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