Supermarkets’ service quality had shot up more steeply to match product quality's rating, driving the sector's Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore (CSISG) score to an all-time high of 70, out of a possible 100. Commenting on this trend, Institute of Service Excellence at SMU Academic Director Assistant Professor Marcus Lee said the improvement was “significant". He explained, “Traditionally, what has happened in the supermarkets industry is that they believe consumers only show up for the products. So, the supermarkets worry about variety, selection, prices, and therefore, disregarded or downplayed the experience aspect of shopping at a supermarket.” “But recently, a lot of changes have happened, there are longer operating hours, wider aisles, better service. So I think they have recognised this in recent years," observed Assistant Prof Lee. In spite of this, he caution against swinging to the other extreme of overemphasising service quality at the expense of product quality, as customer satisfaction is not all about customer service.
The Business Times