Dr Tanvi Gautam, Programme Director of SMU Executive Development's "Women and Leadership" programme and who also teaches organisational behaviour at the SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business, wrote that women aspiring to take on a leadership role may face a double bind. The first challenge comes from traditional notions of femininity that women are expected to conform to and the second from traditional expectations of how leaders should talk and behave. While there is no single answer on how women should navigate the landscape that makes multiple and sometimes conflicting demands on them, Dr Gautam suggested that there are frameworks that can be adapted in varying degrees to support women on their leadership journey, by cultivating a high degree of emotional quotient and being authentic to one’s own style and identity. Dr Gautam cited SMU’s “Women and Leadership” programme as one such framework that places heavy emphasis on developing these skills to bolster the success of women leaders.
The Business Times
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