Time again to review abortion laws

SMU Associate Professor of Law Tan Seow Hon was of the opinion that Singapore’s abortion laws should be thoroughly reviewed in Parliament, as the reasons to back the abortion law are no longer valid, and the social context has changed. The reasons for liberalisation decades ago had included the population explosion, which is irrelevant today, as well as the eugenic argument to prevent the “breeding of defectives in society.” There was also an argument about harm that might result from backstreet abortions. However, Singapore is now different and has wide access to contraceptives. With stricter laws that render it harder or impermissible to undergo abortions, some may have to learn the hard way but, it is probable that many more would organise their sexual relationships differently by choosing contraception. She added that in Singapore as we confront the high ratio of the number of abortions to the number of live births, we must admit that it says something about a cavalier attitude towards the worth of the unborn — an attitude that continues to be facilitated by the current laws.
