With reference to the letter "Benefits of a more progressive tax structure" (9 March), [SMU Assistant Professor of Law and NMP] Eugene Tan said that in his speech on the Budget statement, he emphasised that the Budget can be a powerful catalyst for the type of society it aspires to be. Hence, Singapore should focus its efforts on ensuring social mobility to deal with the persistent and growing inequality in the society. He highlighted that redistribution tends to foster class envy between the "haves" and the "have-nots", and that a sustainable social compact, characterised by shared and equitable economic growth, is essential for an inclusive society. He added that Singapore is better off reducing the "opportunity gap" between children from different home backgrounds through sustainable and impactful measures aimed at ensuring that Singaporeans can fully access the opportunities available to them. This will enhance social mobility. In this regard, education, especially at the pre-school level, is vital.
The Straits Times
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