SMU announced at a press conference on Tuesday the appointment of Professor Yeo Tiong Min as the new Dean and Professor David Llewelyn the new Deputy Dean for the School of Law from July 2012. The incoming dean of the law school Professor Yeo Tiong Min said the law school hopes to produce quality graduates not just for the legal profession but also well-rounded individuals who are able to serve their employers and the wider community. To achieve this, the curriculum is being reviewed and taking non-law subjects, such as ethics and social responsibility, and business, government and society, has been made compulsory. Prof Yeo said that the law school is looking at introducing a pro bono programme which will be compulsory for all students, and that he wants to grow partnerships with overseas universities for student exchange programmes and encourage the faculty to do more research. Engaging with the community through avenues like consulting work is also being planned. SMU president Arnoud De Meyer said it is apt that the school is having a change of leadership as its first batch of students graduated just last year.
The Straits Times