[4 January 2005]
Singapore Science Centre Goes into Tertiary Education For the First Time
When the new school term starts this year, Singapore Science Centre will provide a General Science Education module called “Science Exploration and Society” for the Singapore Management University's students. This is the first time that the Science Centre is providing a course for tertiary institution.
Apart from the provision of lectures and tutorials, the course also offers laboratory classes and hands-on activities. Students will be conducting DNA experiments and explaining the science behind exhibits to members of the public using Science Centre's facilities.
The course will be run by senior Science Centre staff. Dr Chew Tuan Chiong, Chief Executive, Singapore Science Centre, will lead the course as SMU Adjunct Professor.
“The main objective of setting up this course is to provide our non-science undergraduates, who are going to be leaders in their respective fields, an appreciation of science: its values and contribution to the world around us and the society we live in. Science Centre and SMU are both involved in education. Both parties have strengths in our educational and technical resources that can be complemented by each other. By leveraging on our key competencies, this partnership will increase our capacity to promote an appreciation of science among the future leaders,” said Dr Chew.
Remarking on the addition of the course to SMU's broad-based curriculum, SMU President, Professor Howard O Hunter said, “The study of science is a very important foundation for our students, regardless of their academic disciplines. Not only does science broaden their overall understanding, but the scientific method is instrumental in the way students learn to approach and solve problems.”
The topics covered under the “Science Exploration and Society” module are Philosophy of Science, the Scientific Method, Communications, Life Sciences, Information and Communication Technology, Astronomy, and Controversial Issues in Science.
Dr Chew Tuan Chiong and Professor Howard O Hunter, President, Singapore Management University signed the collaboration agreement on 15 December 2004.