[4 March 2004]
NUS and SMU Students join forces in Reef Alert 04, A Marine Conservation Project in Pulau Aur, Malaysia
The National University of Singapore (NUS) Dive Sub-Club and the Singapore Management University (SMU) Outdoor Club, SMUXtremists, will jointly organize a 2-day marine conservation project, Reef Alert 04 from 5-7 March 2004 at the Adventure Underwater Resort, Pulau Aur, Malaysia. A team of ten core students from NUS and SMU came together to work on this project which is aimed at introducing marine conservation to novice divers.
The particular objectives of Reef Alert 2004 are to raise awareness of the worsening state of corals in Pulau Aur, particularly in Sebukang Bay; introduce divers to the fundamentals of marine conservation; and to cultivate inter-varsity communication through a common passion. Pulau Aur was chosen as it is an unprotected site which is likely to be damaged as it is a popular choice for divers.
This project is part of the original Reef Alert program by the Johor Artificial Reef Alert Project with participating organizations such as the Johor Tourism Action Council, Johor National Parks, the Malayan Nature Society and the Rotary Club of Johor Bahru Central.
In January 2004, club members conducted seminars on marine conservation to introduce basic concepts as preparation for the actual dives in March 2004 and to facilitate team bonding among the participants.
During the trip, there will be three "clean-up" dives and each dive will involve clearing deadly starfish, crown-of-thorns, cleaning of waste underwater and placement of buoys for boats. Participants will be taught basic reef mapping during the trip. In between dives, structured games have been planned to further the aims of the project and forge inter-varsity bonding.
20 students (10 from SMU and 10 from NUS) will be participating in the project. The organizers hope to make this event a launching pad and establish Reef Alert as an annual activity.