[12 March 2002] Increased competition has forced companies to face up to the fact that with globalisation and technological advancements, fundamental changes and fluidity will be the mainstay within the marketplace. As such, companies must seize every opportunity to transform themselves into knowledge-based organisations possessing that necessary competitive advantage. But how can companies redesign their work processes to be more responsive to this gradual evolution and enhance value? In an exciting collaboration by the Singapore Management University (SMU), Cisco systems and 3R Holdings, these issues will be examined in a one-day seminar to be held on Friday, 15 March 2002, entitled New World Workplace Trends - The Shift from Labour Supply to Knowledge Supply. This seminar will address key issues pertaining to the New World workplace, including trends of telecommuting, the use of independent contractors/freelancers and its impact on current practices of human budgeting, compensation packages, competency building and HR contracts. The Guest-of-Honour is Mrs. Lim-Ho Geok Choo, MP West Coast GRC, President of Singapore Human Resources Institute and Vice-President of SIA Engineering Company. She will deliver the seminar's keynote address, "Downsize Or Outsize - How To Ride Through The Perfect Storm". A seminar highlight will be the case study presentation of the findings of a "Telecommuting" survey culled from responses of 134 companies, conducted by students of SMU in collaboration with EDB and Cisco Systems. There will also be two panel sessions, one discussing the New World workplace in Singapore, and the other identifying trends and human capital in the New World workplace. The seminar will then conclude with a question-and-answer session. Chief executives, managing directors, consultants, HR directors, recruitment practitioners, and independent contractors interested on re-designing work place strategies to meet emerging trends in the new economy are expected to attend this seminar. |