Public Transport System Can Be More Inclusive for the Blind

Singapore, 11 May 2021 – Singapore’s public transport system may be lauded for its efficiency, taking top spot in world rankings, but this efficiency…

Representing Singapore, SMU students will participate in GSMI 2.0 to map global blockchain laws and standards

Blockchain developers of applications such as cryptocurrencies, digital identity, central bank digital currencies, tokenization and the green economy…

Cybersecurity at FireEye: Human+AI

Cybersecurity is like a never-ending competitive ‘cat and mouse game’ between the legitimate protectors and the criminal attackers. Sometimes, the…

Balancing Global Priorities and Local Needs

Higher education in Asia may be experiencing tremendous growth, but there has also been a strong desire to pivot towards a research-intensive…

SMU team crowned champions of the SDG Titans Business Case Competition

Organised by AIESEC Singapore, a global platform for youth to explore and develop their leadership potential, SDG Titans is a three-week business…

3rd Mapletree Annual Lecture Explores a New Model of Commercial Real Estate Valuation

Singapore Management University (SMU) held its third Mapletree Annual Lecture virtually on 31 March 2021, supported by Mapletree Investments. As part…

SMU Welcomes Mr Timothy Chia Chee Ming as a new Member of SMU

Singapore, 29 April 2021 (Thursday) - The Singapore Management University is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Timothy Chia Chee Ming (谢志明)…

Team SMU wins Financial Analysis Award at Canadian real estate case competition

Each year, the University of Guelph in Canada organises the Undergraduate Real Estate Case Competition (URECC) to challenge undergraduates to…


These are the research findings of the 39th round of quarterly release for the DBS-SKBI Singapore Index of Inflation Expectations (SInDEx) Survey at…

The Covid-19 Crisis in Thailand: Charting a Safe and Sustainable Path to Recovery

Thailand’s crisis response during the early phases of the global Covid-19 pandemic had been impressive. As at August 8, 2020, the total number of…