Shining a Spotlight on Singapore’s Most Vulnerable

Photo Credit: Cyril Ng At a recent launch event organised by SMU’s Lien Centre for Social Innovation, three reports were released on how best…

Building the Software of Cities

The Fujitsu-SMU Urban Computing and Engineering Corp. Lab is using technology to build cities free of taxi queues, congestion and crowding…

Cash: Friend or Foe?

Research into cash-rich companies by SMU Assistant Professor Yuanto Kusnadi is revealing insights into corporate governance and shareholder value…

Walking Firms through IT Decisions

Is it better to be an early adopter or wait till the technology matures? Associate Professor Ma Dan helps companies make data-driven decisions…

Giving Economic Data a Voice

SMU Professor Su Liangjun is developing new techniques in econometrics to provide a more realistic understanding of the economy.   Back to…

Oldest grad to get SMU bachelor's degree

Eugene Low, 45, became the oldest student in SMU history to be awarded a bachelor's degree, after graduating from the School of Information Systems…

SMU celebrates first batch of SMU Warriors Scholarship graduates completing postgraduate degrees with flying colours and prepared for second careers

[Featured Photo: The inaugural batch of graduates from the first-of-its-kind SMU Warriors Scholarship (SWS) (those in graduation gowns) beaming with…

Singapore's Prime Minister speaks at 7th Ho Rih Hwa Leadership in Asia Lecture

On 30 June 2015, Mr Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore, became the seventh distinguished speaker of the Ho Rih Hwa Leadership in Asia…

Voluntary Disclosure or Calculated Risk?

SMU Assistant Professor Kim Jae Bum studies how decisions on voluntary disclosures are made by company managers.   Back to Research@SMU Issue 27…

A New Sheriff in Town

Research by SMU Assistant Professor Tracey Zhang is revealing the progress of a new breed of audit regulators.   Back to Research@SMU Issue 27…