The Blame Game

When parties outsource duties to independent contractors who then carry out the work negligently, is the hiring party also responsible? SMU Associate…

Pin Xiu wins Paralympic Gold

National swimmer and final-year SMU School of Social Sciences undergraduate Yip Pin Xiu made history on 10 September 10am (Singapore time) when she…

SMU alumna wins Young Accountant in Practice Award

Ms Belinda Teo Hui (School of Accountancy, Class of 2010) has done SMU proud by winning the Young Accountant in Practice Award at the Singapore…

SMU cross-disciplinary team won student researcher award in MRSS Illuminator 2016 inaugural market and social research challenge

SMU team clinched Grand Prix OCBC Student Researcher Award in first market and social research challenge in Singapore, organised by Market Research…

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon speaks on global and regional challenges

“For small states like Singapore, the United Nations remains one of the most important defenders of international peace, security, and the rule of…

6th SKBI Annual Conference discusses Fintech and Financial Inclusion

More than 300 professionals from the financial industry, financial innovators, investors, regulators and academia attended the 6th Annual SKBI…


SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer made his seventh State of the University Address on 26 August 2016, re-invigorating and inspiring the…

SMU teams clinched first and third positions at national programming competition

An alternative solution to existing authentication methods such as PIN and two-factor authentication proposed by a trio of students from School of…

Golfing for a cause

The inaugural SMU Charity Golf Classic was held successfully at the Singapore Island Country Club’s new course on 28 July 2016 which saw an…

SMU wins third ‘Gold’ at LawAsia Moot

The official results are in.  Just as we kicked-off the new Academic Year, our students from the School of Law have brought home the championship…