Third Annual Ikeda Peace and Harmony Lecture on Creating Interfaith Dialogue and Understanding in a Multicultural World

The Wee Kim Wee Centre (WKWC) held the third Annual Ikeda Peace and Harmony Lecture on Creating Interfaith Dialogue and Understanding in a…

Institute for Public Relations Launches IPR Southeast Asia Alliance at Singapore Management University

The Institute for Public Relations (IPR), an independent, non-profit research foundation based in the United States dedicated to the science beneath…

Giving AI a fair trial

Society must carefully weigh the merits and potential pitfalls of advanced AI that can do the work of junior lawyers, make judicial decisions and…

10 years of championing service excellence

The Institute of Service Excellence (ISE) at Singapore Management University celebrated its 10th anniversary with an industry dinner at the S.E.A…

First cohort graduates from International Trading Professional Conversion Programme

Singapore, 15 November 2017 (Wednesday) – Singapore Management University (SMU) today celebrated the graduation of the first cohort of 20…

“Defend the free and fair exchange of ideas, innovations, goods and services”

“I can tell you: it’s a wonderful view from this podium! I see into the faces of young and bright people – students of Singapore Management…


Singapore, 8 November 2017 (Wednesday) – A digital network of buyers and sellers: that’s what SMU Entrepreneurs Alumni Group or SMUpreneurs hopes to…

SMU China Forum 2017: “The Next Phase of the Belt and Road Initiative: Globalisation with Chinese Characteristics?”

The Singapore Management University (SMU) hosted the fifth SMU China Forum on 31 October 2017. This year’s Forum was organised within the context of…

Stellar Performance by SMU's MBA Team at the 2017 NC State Grand Business Challenge

The Singapore Management University’s MBA team turned in a stellar performance at the 2017 NC State Grand Business Challenge, fending off fierce…

Charting Asia’s Transformation to Sustainable Development

Asia's successful transformation to sustainable development is vital not only for the future of the region but also for the whole world, suggested…