Support growing for Earth Hour
A bicycle convoy made up of 50 cyclists will make its way from the campus green of SMU at 6pm this Saturday to the Esplanade Park in time for the…
Who has a louder voice?
Is speaking loudly a reflection of a cultural or personal issue? Assistant Professor of Sociology Chung Wai-keung says there are Singaporeans who…
Big jump in firms' intangible asset values
An annual study, presented at the Brand Finance Asia-Pacific Forum held in conjunction with SMU, has revealed a strong post-crisis rebound in the…
2010 elections unlikely: analysts
Assistant Professor Eugene Tan predicted that the earliest date for the next general elections would be the first quarter of 2011.
Meeting business schools ? at a virtual MBA fair
Doris Sohmen-Pao, Programme Director of SMU MBA, believes going virtual could become a trend for MBA shows: "Candidates don't have to travel far to…
No need for uni fees to be raised
Singapore three public universities, NUS, NTU and SMU are raising tuition fees for the incoming cohort of students in August. Examining the financial…
In Singapore, productivity at all costs
Singapore's productivity is now only 55%-65% of comparable measures in the US and Japan, analysts say. "Declining productivity is a drag on the…
Watch for the tipping point
Visiting Practice Associate Professor Bernard Lee, Associate Professor Annie Koh and Assistant Professor Cheng Shih-Fen write that policymakers…
PAP introduces first batch of new faces
Asst Prof Eugene Tan noted that PAP's recruitment of Dr Janil Puthucheary and Mr Ong Ye Kung, both sons of former Opposition members, could be a…
Bigger bonuses for workers who keep fit, recycle and do community service
Associate Professor Jae Pil Choi who teaches organisational behavior at SMU, said that employees may lose interest in the actual activity if a…