Surging Inflation could mean belt tightening for lower income families<br />
The consumer price index - the main measure of inflation - rose 4.6 per cent over the same month a year ago, according to the Department of…
Policies in other countries to increase birth rates
Assistant Professor Chung Wai Keung compared a policy in France which subsidies life expenses of a child till teenage years but this would be too…
Tuition agency provides up to 80% subsidy in fees
SMU graduates Tay Lian Soon and Lim Hsi Hao, Deven have set up a private tuition agency called Role Modele which provides highly subsidised fees for…
George Yeo: earliest for general elections has to be end of March<br />
Assistant Professor Eugene Tan observed that the many government announcements from five-year plan for various districts, revamp of teaching of…
GIC to buy 25% stake in 5 US power plants
Assoc Prof (Practice) Bernard Lee says the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation’s move to buy a 24.95 per cent stake in a portfolio…
Serving the community tirelessly
ST interviews Mr Patrick Lee, secretary general of the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations. In 2009, he donated $1 million to SMU to…
George Yeo: general elections could be between April and June<br />
Assistant Professor Eugene Tan picked May 7 as a likely date for general elections for several reasons including not clashing with presidential…
9 in 10 comfortable with other races
While 9 out of 10 young people claimed they would be comfortable with a neighbour or colleague from a different race, eight in ten felt the same…
Chinese New Year Around the World: Indonesia
Assistant Professor Hoon Chang Yau explained how the policy of assimilating ethic Chinese who migrated to Indonesia has suppressed all expressions of…
Feb 18 is Budget Day
The Governement will unveil the Budget for the coming financial year on Feb 18, with measures to help Singaporeans cope with the higher cost of…