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Singapore Management University and Carnegie Mellon University to Create the Living Analytics Research Centre

SINGAPORE – Singapore Management University (SMU) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, USA, have teamed up to establish…

PAP unveils 19 new faces - is a snap election possible this month?

Asst Prof Eugene Tan says the wards where the new faces may contest is not fixed and there could still be more new faces.

Experts do not think opposition are capable of taking on 87 seats

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan commented that the biggest challenge for the opposition, should they want to contest all 87 seats in Parliament, is to…

Workers' Party says they will contest in 9 constituencies

SMU Asst Prof Eugene Tan says the ambition of Workers' Party is reflective of its desire to portray itself as the leading opposition party. He adds…

Twitter enters the classroom

SMU is an innovative university that has brought social media into the classroom. Associate Professor Thomas Menkhoff and Assistant Professor (…

Second generation politicians emerge; son of Ong Ah Heng could contest in Sembawang

SMU Asst Prof Eugene Tan says the idea of second generation politicians is not new. Current examples include Ho Geok Choo and Kenneth Jeyaretnam. He…

Helping juniors the way to go at Pioneer JC

Ms Noriana Proft, an alumnus of Pioneer Junior College and now an undergraduate at Singapore Management University, spent five months in 2010…

Opposition stirring up excitement over Facebook

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan commented that Facebook has its limitations because members of a particular group may not be the residents who are…

Noy to woo businessmen in trips

During his forthcoming visit to Singapore, President Aquino will be speaking at SMU.

Deeds List - Over $100,000 raised for needy patients

41 students at the Singapore Management University raised more than $100,000 for the Leukaemia and Lymphoma foundation through a charity golf…