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The why behind the where

Opposition parties share how they choose their battlegrounds. Singapore Management University Law lecturer Eugene Tan shares his comments.

Local universities should treat Lasalle students better

A reader writes in to complain that SMU and NUS do not have a good impression of Lasalle College of the Art's academic programmes as they assume that…

Talk of Low Thia Khiang leading two trump cards to contest Moulmein-Kallang

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan listed his strongest opposition team to be that comprising Low Thia Khiang, Sylvia Lim and Chen Show-Mao.

Putting money into bonds

Associate Professor of Finance (Practice) Joseph Lim said that fixed-income instruments such as bonds are advantageous for investors looking for a…

Observers: the 12 with ministerial potential

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan commented that the PAP candidates with ministerial potential are the top minds with outstanding accomplishments,…

Opposition parties: PAP's manifesto too general

Opposition parties feel that the PAP manifesto is too general and lacks depth. Unlike some Opposition manifestos which try to address hot-button…

Investing to derive a passive income

SMU business management undergraduate Daniel Tan, who is also financial secretary of the SMU E.y.E Investment Club, hopes that growing his current…

Cents & Sensibilities

Visiting Assoc Prof (Practice) Bernard Lee on Hong Kong-issued bonds.

Opposition reacts to PAP manifesto

The People's Action Party's manifesto drew varied response from the Opposition parties yesterday. Asst Prof Eugene Tan shares his views.

CEO pay: How it all adds up

SMU's Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics found in a study of Singapore-listed companies that firms where the base salary made up the…