Historic gains for opposition in Singapore election
Assistant Professor Eugene Tan said that voters have spoken through the election results and the signs were indicated even before polling day .
End of an Era
SMU law lecturer Eugene Tan commented on why he felt that the spillover support from Potong Pasir is “over-ratedâ€Â.
Observers: no way for George Yeo or Lina Chiam to return through by-elections
Assistant Professor Eugene Tan commented that the petitions calling for by-elections or to nullify the elections have no legal basis at all.
Second-lowest rate of spoilt votes since 1988
Law lecturer Eugene Tan is of the view that the decline in the number of spoilt votes may be attributed to voters' need to make a firm stand as they…
Academic: No legal basis to seek re-election
Commenting on the petition by some Potong Pasir residents to hold a re-election, Asst Prof Eugene Tan said that there is no legal basis to do so and…
Who will be next Foreign Affairs Minister?
Assistant Professor Eugene Tan said that Minister Tharman could be a possible successor as he is familiar with international trade and politics.
Nepal Hill black and white bungalows to become knowledge village
Officiating the launch of HCLI, Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong says HCLI will generate innovative talent management ideas, practices and strategies…
Leadership devt institute launched
The Human Capital Leadership Institute (HCLI) was officially launched yesterday to help meet growing demand from global companies for talent…
10 highest graduate starting salaries in 2010
SMU graduates feature in seven out of 10 top spots among the highest graduate starting salaries in 2010 among all local universities. SMU's…
For more students, Working on Wikis Is Part of Making the Grade
SMU Asst Prof Michael Netzley, and undergraduates Avnish Desai and Stuart Lee comment on the benefits of adopting wikis as a teaching tool and using…