Net gain for charities as more log on
Charities are increasingly harnessing the power of the Internet to drum up donations. SMU social media expert Assistant Professor Michael Netzley…
Does the DNA of Business Schools need to change?
SMU President, Professor Arnoud De Meyer shares his views and argues for a new approach to meet new challenges – transforming business schools…
By the slice
A review of Slice, a pizza restaurant on Selegie Road, said to be frequented by students from nearby institutions such as SMU and School of the Arts.
XBRL: Putting intelligence into financial reporting
Assoc Prof Themin Suwardy, Asst Prof Seow Poh Sun and Assoc Prof Gary Pan of the School of Accountancy discuss the move away from paper-based filings…
Asset managers play it safe despite cheap valuations
Amid the market turmoil on worries over the eurozone debt crisis, markets in Asia have come under pressure, as investors moved away from equities in…
The reward for the safe return of Mr Keith Peck, one of the missing Singaporeans in the Mersing accident, has been raised to $20,000. Yesterday was…
Students can apply to SUTD from Oct 1
SUTD will offer provisional places, based students' preliminary A-level examination results. Unlike NUS, NTU and SMU, the university's academic…
Eat, drink & shop
Retail outlets that are both a boutique and a cafe are becoming increasingly popular. Associate Professor of marketing education Seshan Ramaswami…
Adrift for 20 hours after boat capsized in Mersing, 8 survivors took off and tied T-shirts together during ordeal
The search for two Singaporeans who went missing after their boat capsized in Mersing, is continuing. The two missing are Tan Ah Juan, 55, and Peck…
Population up by 100,000 but PR numbers down
Singapore's population has risen to 5.18 million as at end-June, but there has been a 1.7 percent drop in the figures for permanent residents (PR).…