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The 'Louis Vuitton effect' on hedge funds

Speaking at a hedge fund symposium at SMU on Friday, London Business School's Bill Fung said one reason western firms are acquiring Asian funds is…

Slow sale of fest tickets

Big-name lectures are selling fast but tickets to the Singapore Writers Festival are moving slowly. The literary event from Oct 22 to 30 is charging…

A promising start, but the hard work's just started

In Asst Prof Eugene Tan's commentary on the 12 th Parliament, he says that certainly, the Government can be less tight-fisted, but questions of how…

Writers Festival kicks off

The Singapore Writers Festival opened at the Transaction Pavilion on SMU's Campus Green on Oct 21. The guest of honour was Minister for Information,…

The kindest cuts

Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Chabon will be in town for the Singapore Writers Festival as one of its headlining writers. Balancing the Books:…

Find a job or finish school?

Owen Yeo, 22, a third-year social sciences student at SMU writes that the soft skills developed in studying for a degree may be more important in…

From bad to verse

A profile of the poet and playwright Andrew Motion who appeared in the Singapore Writer's Festival at the Reading Room, Li Ka Shing Library, SMU.

Zheng Jin Xiang: Essays are like a life partner; poems are like an extramarital affair

2007 Young Artist Award (Literary Art) recipient Zheng Jin Xiang will be having a dialogue session with Taiwanese author Hao Yu Xiang on 30 Oct 2011…

The prose of his life

Singaporean writer O Thiam Chin will be launching his fourth short story collection, The Rest Of Your Life And Everything That Comes With It, at the…

Inclusive growth: 'Everyone has a role'

Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, Mr S. Iswaran presented the MTI Academic Awards to outstanding economics students from each of the three…