Status updates - Vital hard knocks
Benjamin Loh, a fourth year accountancy student at SMU commented that to believe that our education system alone could adequately impart the…
New Dean to head SMU law school
The country's first Honorary Senior Counsel, Professor Yeo Tiong Min, 46, will take over as the Singapore Management University's law school dean…
Nine NMPs officially received their letters of appointment
Assistant Professor Eugene Tan from SMU School of Law is among the nine NMPs being conferred these letters of appointment.
Things To Do: SMU Master of Science in Wealth Management Information Session
Find out more about the Master of Science in Wealth Management programme offered by SMU in collaboration with the Wealth Management Institute, the…
Nominated MPs receive letters of appointment
Nine NMPs received their letters of appointment from President Tony Tan Keng Yam at the Istana yesterday. They will be sworn in when Parliament sits…
Singapore set to play key role in space flights
Singapore will play a key role in helping a French space company launch its first commercial space flight. For starters, home-grown companies will be…
Nominated MPs receive Instruments of Appointment
SMU Assistant Law Professor Eugene Tan is among the newly-appointed Nominated Members of Parliament who received their instruments of Appointment…
Astrium to organise Spaceplane Operator Business Plan Competition
Astrium is considering developing its spaceplane or space tour plans in Singapore. It announced yesterday that it will be organising the 2012…
Global Safer Internet Day
Earlier this week was Global Safer Internet Day. Governments, NGOs and activists are pushing for new initiatives, and in some countries even laws, to…
NMPs on the issues they will champion
President Tony Tan Keng Yam presented the Instruments of Appointment to the nine NMPs, including SMU Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan, at the…