Deputy Prime Minister, Dr Tony Tan visits SMU
[8 September 2000] Deputy Prime Minister Dr Tony Tan Announces SMU's Long-Term Plans Deputy Prime Minister Dr Tony…
Singapore Management University Ties Up with University of Otago for International Exchange Programme
[28 August 2000] Singapore Management University Ties Up with University of Otago for International Exchange Programme…
The Inaugural Opening Convocation
[7 August 2000] Singapore Management University: The Inaugural Opening Convocation Asia's new university for…
The first term of Asia's new university for the Millennium
[1 August 2000] Singapore Management University: The first term of Asia's new university for the Millennium…
Singapore Managment University Matriculation Day
[24 July 2000] Singapore Managment University Matriculation Day Innovative Pioneer Undergraduates will bid for…
Intel Sponsors First Incubator Lab For Pioneer Undergraduates At The Singapore Management University
[12 June 2000] Intel Sponsors First Incubator Lab For Pioneer Undergraduates At The Singapore Management University…
From to IPO: Wharton-SMU Conference on the Valuation, Financing and Listing of Internet/Technology Companies
[9 May 2000] From to IPO: Wharton-SMU Conference on the Valuation, Financing and Listing of Internet/Technology…
Tommie Goh of JIT endows $2 million to the Singapore Management University
Mr Tommie Goh, founder of JIT Electronics Pte Ltd, has joined the illustrious ranks of the Singapore Management University's (SMU) Endowment Fund…
Tommie Goh of JIT endows $2 million to the Singapore Management University
[7 May 2000] Tommie Goh of JIT endows $2 million to the Singapore Management University The Tommie Goh Chair…
Singapore Management University's City Campus Master Plan Approved
[31 March 2000] SMU's City Campus Master Plan Approved Ministry of National Development approval opens way for…