AAA rules in investor relations

SMU adjunct lecturer in investor relations Elaine Lim writes about how companies can embrace accountability, accessibility and availability as the…

Beat! Samba Masala Fundraising Concert

A night of big sounds and big fun at this concert.  SMU Big Steps (SMU School of Information Systems), tomorrow [Friday 22 Feb], 7-10pm. Tickets: $15…

Singapore Management University presents Socio-Political themed works of art by renowned eye surgeon Professor Arthur Lim

[20 February 2008] Singapore Management University presents Socio-Political themed works of art by renowned eye surgeon Professor Arthur Lim…

Creativity in Mega-Businesses

Interview with Jorgen Vig Knudstorp, CEO of the Lego Group, who will be speaking about the company's innovation strategy at the International…

Universities may freeze fees for coming year

SMU, NUS and NTU are in talks to decide if tuition fees will be frozen for this academic year.

Estate duty removal will draw foreign and local funds into S'pore

Associate Professor Eugene Tan says that the Budget is not just about removal of estate duty but to attract wealthy individuals to share their wealth…

High Commissioner to Australia named

The Government has appointed Mr Albert Chua as Singapore's next High Commissioner to Australia. Mr Chua a currently a member of the Singapore…

You can ride his limo for $20

SMU undergrad Elliot Lin took one semester off to start his own limouine company Blackliner Executive Limousine.

Multinational corporations engaging in research and development will benefit most

SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business Assistant Professor Kenneth Huang feels that the 3 new tax incentives to encourage local small and medium…

Arthur's Socio-political Art

Professor Arthur Lim will be showcasing his artworks  at The Gallery, Singapore Management University, Wednesday: 7pm, Till March 9: 10am ? 8pm.