NightRider and Nite Owls - where to next?
Assistant Professor Terence Fan commented that both the SMRT and SBS Transit transport operators should be able to increase their frequencies for…
Sailing's chips off the old block
Koh Aik Beng's interest in sailing rubbed off ? first on elder son [SMU student] Koh Seng Leong, then on Terrence Koh, the youngest of Koh's three…
New measures to be introduced to improve water safety
Questions will be raised in Parliament following the death of SMU student Levin Angsana in a sailing incident off Raffles Marina last Thursday.
SMU students go cycling in Alaska
Eight Singapore Management University (SMU) students will be going on a 25-day, 2,000km eco-cycling expedition to Alaska today.
The Straits Times
The body of SMU student Levin Angsana was recovered at 7:30am yesterday, in the sea 300m from the marina.
Central body to help volunteerism efforts
The idea was mooted two years ago by a group of seasoned volunteers, such as the assistant director of the National Youth Council's Youth Expedition…
Teo Ser Luck: safety vests are important for sea sportsmen
Parliamentary Secretary for Community, Youth and Sports Teo Ser Luck felt that sea sportsmen should take additional precautions, including wearing…
Channel NewsAsia
The body of SMU student Levin Angsana was recovered at 7:30am yesterday, in the sea 300m from the marina.
Campuses face big squeeze as enrolment rise
The number of freshmen entering NUS, NTU and SMU has swelled in recent years, with more than 14,500 last year compared to 11,419 five years ago.
Bloco Singapura
A procession of performers dancing to a pulsating African-inspired beat will make their way on stage to perform five songs sung in Yoruba, Portuguese…