Indonesian Art Loan

SMU presents Indonesian Triple Bill to commemorate the loan of 35 artworks from Indonesian collector Dr Oei Hong Djien and gifts of newly created…

The transition from madrasah to a mainstream university

SMU undergraduate Zeenath Jaleel is one a few who was educated at the Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah and took the road less travelled by coming to…

Singapore with 'space ships'

SMU undergraduate and blogger Mr Ephraim Loy is a co-organiser of the first George Yeo Blog Competition on the topic of ?The Singapore I like to see…

Gurteen-style knowledge cafes: an alternative approach to learning and networking

Founder of the Gurteen Knowledge Community, which functions virtually through its community website and Knowledge Cafes, David Gurteen discussed with…

Singapore Biennale 2008 (Parallel Event): Indonesian Triple Bill

?Indonesian Triple Bill' brings Yogyakarta to the forefront of Indonesian art with 23 works from Museum Oei Hong Djien, and solo exhibitions by…

Spin Cycle

At the end of the inaugural SMU Challenge, 1000 participants, including SMU Board of Trustees, faculty, staff and students, completed 37,000km on…

The Asian Banker: from trade journal to industry benchmark

Speaking at a Master's Seminar organised by the School of Information Systems, Emmanuel Daniel, founding President and Editor-in-Chief of The Asian…

Cut out for young designers

This year,  SMU's The Fashion Fraternity,  spun off Wardroblings, a platform to launch fresh fashion graduates in the retail world.

Responsible gaming: Viva Las Vegas of the east

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan, who teaches ethics and social responsibility at the School of Law , commented that casino operators should work with…

Indonesian Triple Bill

Feast your eyes on evocative expressions of Indonesian art mainly inspired by Yogyakarta, the leading centre of Indonesian art, at SMU Gallery and…