American elections

SMU Associate Professor Andrew White discusses the transitional challenges for President-elect Barack Obama.

Official dress codes at other institutions

SMU does not impose a dress code on its undergraduates.

Obama as US president

SMU Assistant Professors Ilya Farber and John Donaldson share their views on the US elections.

Singaporeans monitoring elections heartened by Obama's win

About 300 students and some members of the public turned up for a special elections discussion organised by SMU to raise awareness about political…

America decides

Assistant Professor John Donaldson took part in a post-election discussion on Obama's win for the presidency.

Who will win the white house? Forecast by experts

SMU Assistant Professors Ilya Farber and John Donaldson share their views on the US elections.

Cultural differences explain job cuts, pay slash

Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Michael Benoliel commented that in the Confucian mindset, the right thing to do is to share the…

Raising awareness about risks of unprotected sex

SMU undergraduate Kenny Tan and incoming students ? Owen Yeo and Eef Gerard Van Emmerik ? contributed views in YouthInk on safe sex education.

A cultural divide? While the West axes jobs, Asia cuts pay

Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour Michael Benoliel commented that in the Confucian mindset, the right thing to do is to share the…

Going green

SMU President Professor Howard Hunter says that in the long term, solar energy offers the best possibilities for Singapore. In the near term, simple…