Focus on mega trends rather than predicting the next big thing: PM Wong

At a dialogue jointly organised by SMU, the Institute of Policy Studies and Varsity Voices, Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said that with industry trends moving so quickly, predicting the next big growth industry is almost akin to guessing the next big stock in the stock market – very hard. Rather than trying to anticipate the next big thing to emerge in the coming years, those who position themselves to ride the mega trends that will shape the world will be in a good position for the future, he told about 900 students from institutes of higher learning at the event held at SMU on 2 July evening. Before the dialogue, Mr Wong had given a speech where he urged young Singaporeans to define success on their own terms, rather than measure themselves against other people. In the question-and-answer segment with Mr Wong following his speech moderated by SMU President Professor Lily Kong, students lined up in waves to pose their questions to the Prime Minister.

The Straits Times