Education - next frontier of Singapore Indonesian cooperation?

In a commentary, Shoeb Kagda, Centre Director of SMU’s Overseas Centre Jakarta, discussed the recently launched initiative by Singapore and Indonesia to foster greater collaboration between institutes of higher learning from both nations. The RI-Singapore University Network will link Singapore’s six autonomous universities with Indonesian varsities to collaborate on a wide range of activities including research, postgraduate programmes, executive education initiatives and student mobility projects. As the rector of University of Indonesia, Professor Ari Kuncoro, noted, that Singapore universities – including SMU which last December established an Overseas Centre in Jakarta – can play a critical role in advancing Indonesia’s human capital development. Developing cross-border collaboration is high on the agenda of both sides. In this regard, SMU has begun to explore and foster collaboration not only with Indonesian university partners but also with industry players. It teamed up with SUTD, SUSS, and SIT to hold a “Study in Singapore” dialogue session in Jakarta recently. This was the first time Singapore universities have come together, and more such collaborative initiatives may be in the pipeline.

The Business Times