SMU chairman Piyush Gupta, also DBS CEO, wants university to shine in Asia like his bank

Speaking to the media on Thursday (10 August), SMU Chairman Piyush Gupta, who is also the Group Chief Executive Officer of DBS Bank, said his vision as the University’s newest chairman is for SMU to become the “quintessential Asian university” – emulating what he has done to turn DBS into the “quintessential Asian bank”. To achieve the goal he has set out, Mr Gupta said SMU has to lead change in redefining what a successful university looks like, that is to have the ability to make strong, impactful change in the world. SMU will also continue “doubling down” on its focus on interdisciplinary learning and applied research that helps provide solutions to global problems. The University has appointed Dr Cheong Wei Yang as its Vice Provost for Strategic Research Partnerships to create more opportunities to shape SMU’s research agenda. With the centre of gravity shifting to Asia, Mr Gupta sees an opportunity for SMU to carve its own niche and stand out. To do so, SMU launched its first overseas centre in Jakarta, Indonesia last December, and plans to launch two more in Bangkok, Thailand and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam this year. These centres act as “knowledge gateways”. Like an embassy, they will help SMU collaborate with more industry partners across the region and enable the University to further grow “Asian-centric research and Asian-centric solutions”.
