The annual World Water Day, which falls on March 22, is an occasion that reminds everyone of the importance of water conservation. SMU, which launched its Sustainability Blueprint in September 2022, focuses on sustainable water management as one of its goals in building a Greener University. It harvests water through two underground water tanks and from air-conditioning, and has implemented a smart water management system. Dr Patrick Shi, Head of Campus Initiatives and Strategies at SMU, shared that before September last year, the underground water storage system was used to collect excess rainwater to prevent flooding, since the implementation of the SMU Sustainability Blueprint, SMU now re-purpose the harvested water for irrigation of the landscape on Campus Green. Regarding the harvesting of condensation water, Ben Goh, Senior Associate Director of Facilities Management and Services at SMU, shared that as this is a pilot, the University is now studying ways to further improve the system before embarking on the possibility of expanding this to other parts of the campus.