Study: Difficult to find a ride despite fare increase, satisfaction for point-to-point transport service slides 3.6%

According to the Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore study conducted by the SMU Institute of Service Excellence (ISE), some commuters have turned to travelling more by taxi and private-hire cars amid the Covid-19 pandemic. But this has been accompanied by a slight fall in customer satisfaction with these point-to-point transport services. Neeta Lachmandas, Executive Director of ISE, said the fall in public transport ridership was likely due to a combination of reasons, including the shift to working from home and people minimising their travel due to concerns about the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The findings also showed that the commuters' tolerance levels for fare increases for MRT and public buses had fallen from 9.9 per cent last year to 8.2 per cent this year. Chen Yongchang, Head of Research and Consulting at ISE said this issue of price sensitivity has been observed in other industries as well, and that it is likely driven by concern over the economic environment.

Lianhe Zaobao