SMU launches asynchronous online certificate programme in Future of Finance

The 3-month course will equip finance professionals with critical skills to meet challenges in the digital era
By the SMU Corporate Communications team

Singapore, 23 September (Thursday) –  Singapore Management University (SMU) has introduced through its professional training arm SMU Academy (SMUA), a new online certificate programme centred on training finance executives to leverage the power of emerging technologies to transform the finance function. The new programme is a one-of-its-kind online certificate programme which offers comprehensive coverage of both hard and soft skills, unlike most financial training programmes. Areas covered include technological tools, digital risks, and talent development.

The process of digitalisation and the competitive pressure to catch up with this development has led to a seismic shift in the traditional role of the finance function in many organisations. By redefining its value contribution, financial professionals can seize the opportunities that digitalisation offers to shape the digital landscape of the entire organisation.

The 3-month asynchronous programme will tap on technology to allow participants to learn at their own pace and convenience, removing scheduling barriers that make long-term programmes prohibitive for many working adults.

Assembled and delivered by a team of seasoned industry practitioners, the programme will allow participants to gain the skills and confidence needed to respond to changes in the digital landscape. Participants will learn how digitalised finance combines operational and financial data (big data), and how to use advanced analytics, AI and robotic process automation (RPA) to enhance business decisions. Participants will also master basic principles that need to be considered when embarking on a digital rejuvenation.

Offered as a bundle of seven bite-size modules, the online programme includes interactive learning elements such as videos, scenarios, quizzes and case studies to ensure learning is effective and engaging. Unlike most asynchronous programmes which offer virtual learning only, participants will also have the opportunity to join live webinars where they can interact with trainers and guest speakers from the industry.

Mr Jack Lim, Executive Director of SMU Academy says, “The asynchronous delivery of the online certificate in Future of Finance programme embodies the highly engaging and interactive learning style that has been a hallmark of SMU’s teaching pedagogy. By leveraging on technology to explore new mediums of learning, we hope to similarly draw parallels for finance executives to embrace digital tools as they address the increasing complexity and rapid change in their organisations.”

The Online Certificate in Future of Finance programme is currently funded up to 90% by SkillsFuture Singapore, with fees starting from S$1,355.20. The course starts from 27 October 2021 and is currently open for application. As sign-ups for the programme is cohort-based, participants are required to register for all seven modules. More details can be found here.