Universities must take 'audacious' changes or lose their relevance

In this final part of the ST-SMU Reimagining Universities series, Mr Hamoon Ekhtiari, the founder of Toronto-based Audacious Futures, a consultancy that forecasts future trends and comes up with solutions, says universities and policymakers have to be bold and even "audacious" in how they respond to the sweeping changes in how students learn and how they will work. He foresees a future where there will be a more varied and larger higher education ecosystem that students will learn from. Mr Ekhtiari said university administrators and policymakers have to address three crucial gaps in the higher education system – in terms of access, quality and readiness. In the light of the current coronavirus situation in Singapore and based on the latest advisories received, The Straits Times Education Forum on Reimagining Universities slated for 15 February at SMU will be postponed.

The Straits Times