Savills & SMU will offer professional training in valuation to meet growing demand across sectors

By the SMU Corporate Communications team

Singapore, 23 April 2019 (Tuesday) - Aspiring to develop valuation professionals and meet the strong demand from companies for valuation expertise, Savills and Singapore Management University (SMU) are collaborating to offer three Executive Certificates programmes in Valuation.

The increasing demand for valuation knowledge and skills stems from an upward trend in the number of merger and acquisition (M&A) deals and the broader adoption of fair value measurement by Singapore companies in the financial reporting framework.  Valuation has further gained prominence in Singapore as a result of key developments, such as the rise in arbitration and litigation proceedings due to commercial and shareholders disputes, and the growing importance of intellectual property in businesses.

The three Executive Certificate programmes which have been jointly developed by SMU Academy, SMU’s professional training arm, and Savills Valuation and Professional Services (S) Pte Ltd are:

  • Valuation: A Corporate Perspective;
  • Valuation: Valuation Essentials for Bankers; and
  • Valuation: All You Need to Know in an Audit Process.

The programmes are specially curated for different target audiences, namely business owners and executives, bankers, audit professionals and relevant stakeholders involved in the audit process.  They will be taught by practitioner experts from Savills, and will be offered at the SMU Academy from August 2019 onwards.  (Please refer to Annex 1 for programmes descriptions.)

Dr Lim Lai Cheng, Executive Director, SMU Academy, said, “We are honoured to be the first university partner of Savills in jointly offering professional training to the industry.  This collaboration leverages Savills industrial expertise as well as SMU’s thought leadership, academic rigour and outreach.  The programmes on offer aim to raise the bar of professional excellence among companies and individuals who are involved in transactions, litigation and arbitration, and financial reporting, and will certainly benefit many professionals who wish to enhance their knowledge and skills in valuation.

Mr Martin Fidden, Regional Director, Savills Asia, said, “From SMEs to multi-national companies, a sound knowledge of valuation principles is an essential tool in today’s knowledge-based economy.  Savills is proud to be partnering with SMU to deliver end-to-end holistic training programmes which will offer first-hand knowledge and expertise from real-time senior valuation practitioners.  SMU is held in the highest esteem by the corporate world, and I’ve no doubt that these programmes will be extremely well regarded in the corporate arena.”

All three programmes will be funded by SkillsFuture Singapore, with 70% course fee subsidy for Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents; and 90% course fee subsidy for Singapore Citizens aged 40 and above, and for SMEs who send their local employees (Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents) for the training.

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Annex 1

About the ‘Valuation: A Corporate Perspective’ programme

Designed specifically for business owners and executives, M&A professionals, corporate development professionals, and accounting and finance professionals, participants of this programme will gain knowledge of the valuation framework and techniques, as well as insights into the valuation landscape and standards across geographics and jurisdictions.

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to (i) understand the value creation process and how valuation differs at each stage of the corporate cycle; (ii) understand how valuation impacts on the financials, post-transactions; (iii) learn to apply various valuation techniques; (iv) learn to perform valuation in various assets and liabilities classes; and (v) learn to prepare valuation reports for relevant stakeholders.  They will also receive an SMU Executive Certificate in Valuation for Corporates.

About the ‘Valuation Essentials for Bankers’ programme

Designed for bankers to acquire knowledge of valuation that is essential for them to perform their roles effectively, including raising capital (dept and equity); providing financial advisory services relating M&A and restructuring; as well as reviewing valuations.

Upon completion of this programme, participants will gain a sound understanding of the regulatory environment in which they operate.  They will also be equipped with the skills to perform valuations in compliance with prevailing international standards and best practices, as well as regulatory requirements.  They will receive an SMU Executive Certificate in Valuation for Bankers.

About the ‘Valuation: All You Need to Know in an Audit Process’ programme

This course has been designed specifically for audit professionals, members of audit committees and directors of company boards.  It aims to give participants an insight into valuations from the audit perspective, including providing a good understanding of financial reporting standards, how valuations are carried out and how auditors should review valuation reports.

Upon completion of the programme, participants will gain a sound understanding of valuation theory, coupled with practical skills in valuation.  They will also receive an SMU Executive Certificate in Valuation for Audit Functions.

For media enquiries, please contact:


Ms Huang Peiling, Snr Asst Director, Corporate Communications

6828-0964 | 9845-3361 | plhuang [at]


Ms Sim Shoo Huey, Business Manager, Business Valuation & Advisory

6415-3895 | 9082-5785 | shoohuey.sim [at]