The quest for and learning from Singapore’s longue durée

In a commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan explored the importance of learning from Singapore’s history dating back 700 years, even as Singapore commemorates the 200th anniversary of the arrival of Sir Stamford Raffles. He also discussed Dr Sun Yat Sen in Singapore’s historiography – how Singapore had in the early 2000s sought a tangible connection with and contribution to the Chinese revolutionary nationalism of the early 20th century – and the record of port cities (like Venice). He cited how various influences had shaped Singapore's history, and how it has led to the state of our society today. He concluded that Singapore’s success for the past 50 years has benefited Singaporeans, but cautioned against being complacent. He emphasised that Singapore, as a young nation-state, must learn the correct lessons of its extended past.

Lianhe Zaobao