Going global: Master’s in Management degrees are gaining ground in Asia

According to SMU Associate Professor of Strategic Management (Education) and Academic Director, Master of Science in Management (MiM) Gilbert Tan, “In Asian societies, people are willing to invest in education to advance their careers. For many in Asia, the MiM is an attractive option, especially for non-business graduates to upgrade their skills for the business world.” SMU alumnus Yuvan Mohan valued the opportunity to come into the MiM early in his career. The SMU course does not require work experience. “Having to wait a few more years to do an MBA could have pigeonholed my options and limited my career flexibility,” said the 30-year-old Singaporean, adding that the MiM was more affordable. Today he works for a global bank as a management associate. “The modules covered a wide range of business disciplines, equipping me with the confidence and foundation to take on different functions,” said Mr Mohan.
MIM Guide