Setting the scene for the new year

SMU Provost and Lee Kong Chian Chair Professor of Social Sciences Lily Kong shared her views on the outlook for 2019 and her hopes for promoting inclusivity in the workplace. Prof Kong noted that given the rapid changes in economies and workplaces, jobs of today may morph or even become obsolete, while new ones will be invented. Thus, universities have a responsibility to inculcate in students the ability to learn how to learn, and to have a certain breadth in their education. SMU is committed to ensuring a broad-based learning journey through a reimagined core curriculum that can cater to the needs of the evolving market and society. She hoped that female students will have the role models in business, government and society for them to know that they can be what they want to be, and can make meaningful impact on those around them. Prof Kong also hoped that it will no longer be news when a woman is appointed to a leadership position.
The Business Times