Nine new Nominated MPs picked for 2½-year term

SMU alumna Paralympic swimmer Yip Pin Xiu is set to be the youngest person to take up the post of Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) at the age of 26. She is among the new batch of nine NMPs that have been selected. The second youngest NMP in the new batch to be selected is SMU alumnus Abbas Ali Mohamed Irshad, founder of inter-religious non-profit group Roses of Peace. He was formerly the founding president of SMU’s Apolitical Society, where students discussed issues on politics and civil society.

Former NMP and SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan said the new slate shows an "accent on youth and the post-65 generation". He added, "This continues the trend of having an emphasis on young people in the NMP appointments. It reflects the changing demographics where those born post-independence will form the growing majority of voters."


The Straits Times