Long-time contributor to tertiary education scene

SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer has been conferred the Public Administration Medal (Gold) in this year’s National Day awards.  As the fourth and longest serving President of SMU, Prof De Meyer has helmed the University since September 2010 and is also known for his brainchild, SMU X – an experiential learning framework where students can take on real-world projects from companies and community organisations. Stepping down at the end of the year, he would have served SMU for eight years and will be succeeded by SMU Provost Professor Lily Kong from Jan 1. At the recent SMU Commencement opening ceremony, Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat said that SMU has continued to deliver a transformative education experience under Prof De Meyer’s leadership, as attested by the continued success of SMU graduates in landing meaningful global careers and securing competitive starting salaries.


Prof De Meyer said, “Over the last eight years, I have given all my energy and enthusiasm to the development of SMU. I hope that I can continue to contribute to the further growth and success of Singapore. I am very proud to be part of the Singapore story.”

The Straits Times