Legal community can play role in Asean integration

SMU School of Law and the Singapore Judicial College (SJC) will jointly offer the Master of Laws (LLM) in Judicial Studies from August 2019; and expects to enrol 25 candidates in its inaugural cohort. This 10-month LLM is a first-of-its-kind in the region and is designed to provide advanced training for serving judges. Aside from enhancing the candidates’ knowledge and competencies in the law, it will equip them for modern day adjudication and judicial administration; candidates will also be taught by experienced Singapore judges. SMU School of Law Associate Dean (Postgraduate Teaching and Curriculum) Maartje de Visser said that unlike the short courses offered by SJC thus far, the new LLM provides focused training; it also offers a platform for candidates to interact and build relationships with fellow judges from other jurisdictions.

The Straits Times