Compulsory overseas exposure at SMU will level playing field, say needy students

SMU announced last Thursday (March 22) that it will be making overseas exposure a mandatory graduation requirement for all its undergraduates from August and will also be enhancing support for financially-strapped students. Prospective undergraduates said this move will aid in helping low-income students level the playing field and raise standards across the board. SMU Vice Provost (Undergraduate Matters) and OUB Chair Professor of Finance Lim Kian Guan said that an exchange for one term at a South-east Asian partner university can cost from $5,000, or $8,000 for other Asian universities. For the Oceania, European and American universities, the cost can range between $12,000 and $16,000 for a four-to six-month period. He added there are shorter trips, such as three-week-long overseas community service projects, 11-day-long trips for co-curricular activities, or overseas study missions which can span 10 to 14 days. Prof Lim added that the scope of financial assistance for needy students can range from S$500 to S$10,000 and that the University will work with students to “explore holistic alternatives” in cases where they cannot travel due to medical conditions or cannot be away for long periods of time.
